Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 21, 2009

Emile Hirsch- March 13th, 1985

Emile Davenport Hirsch was born in Palms, California on March 13th, 1985. His father, David Hirsch, is a producer and his mother, Margaret Davenport, is an artist.

Hirsch began performing in the late 1990s, starring in several television series, and became known as a film actor after his performances in Lords of Dogtown, The Emperor's Club, The Girl Next Door, Alpha Dog, Into The Wild, and Milk. In 2008 Emile stared in the kids' film Speed Racer, and appeared in Milk along side Sean Penn who directed him in the film Into The Wild.
Hirsch's sister, Jenny, introduced him to acting. Hirsch grew up in Los Angeles, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lived with his mother after his parent's divorce. Emile attened Paul Revere Middle School and the Academy of Music at Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles.
One of Hirsch's most popular films is Into The Wild which portrays the true story of Christopher McCandless- a college graduate who was annoyed and had unfavorable views of society and chooses to travel and live in the wilderness with the minimum supplies necessary to survive. McCandless donated his remaining $24,000 to charity and changes his name to Alexander Supertram so he cannot be found by his family. He lives away from his family for 2 years with no contact, hitch-hiking across the deserts of Western America until he can get to Alaska to live totally alone in the wild. Through his travels he meets many interesting people and has the adventure of a lifetime. It is a truely amazing film. A masterpiece.
Emile's portrayal of McCandless is fantastic and is partly due to an amazing director/actor, Sean Penn. In Hirsch's most recent film, Milk, he stars with Penn and plays Cleve Jones. He has said in interviews that is was very strange working with Penn as an actor and not a director. On the set of Into The Wild they had a dynamic of Emile working infront of the camera and Sean behind it. With this film they were face to face and it was a totally different expierence.

Milk also has the actor chosen for March 20th, 2009, James Franco. And like Franco, Emile Hirsch is well on his way to becoming an acting legend.

Emile Hirsch Quote: "I think I've always been half out of my shell and half in. Sometimes I can be extremely wild and sometimes I can be extremely shy. It just depends on the day."

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